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Whale Watching Day Sail NEW DATE!
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About this event
The annual WSA Whale Watch Day Sail, Sunday, January 28.
Every year the grey whales migrate from Alaska to Mexico, where they give birth to their new offspring. Let’s say hello to them on their way down south. We will meet up on boats in Long Beach and Marina del Rey and sail toward San Vicente in Palos Verdes, where the volunteers count the whales that pass by each year.
This is an all day sail, plan on being at the boat by 8:30 am and back around 5:00. Pack a lunch and something to share with your crew. Hopefully we will be lucky this year with some whale sightings.
Details will follow once you are assigned to a boat.
Various docks in Marina del Rey or Long Beach
Registration Info
Registration is required
To join this sail you must be a member in good standing with a signed waiver.
Cancellation Policy:
Please notify as soon as you know you cannot make this event.