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Racers’ Edge

Sailors love to challenge themselves and their boats, some competitively and others just for the fun of it. The women and men of WSA are no exception. So, whether you want your name on that regatta trophy or just some bragging rights back at the club, WSA is a great way to get in the game. The dates for racing events on Santa Monica Bay can be found at 

The WSASMB is very active in many race events in the Santa Monica Bay and around the country. Interested in joining a crew? learning how to race? how to find others in the community? Read on!

Resources to Learn More About Sailboat Racing

WSA sponsors several race clinics each year, as does the South Bay Yacht Racing Club (SBYRC), the California Yacht Club (CYC) and the Association of Santa Monica Bay Yacht Clubs (ASMBYC). Keep an eye out for these clinics, as they are usually not over-subscribed and you can take your time to ask questions. 
UCLA’s Marina Aquatic Center (310-823-0048) holds both sailing and occasionally racing classes; however, you’ll need to have a sailing test and checkout by a staff member to use their sailboats or take their classes.

A website for the sailing community to come together to learn, educate, share, and enhance our love of sailing. Crew boards for racers, educational opportunities, events, networking and more.

Facebook Group


 Information on the local race scene: (Yacht Racers Resource Center)

The Rule of Racing:

Marine Signal Flags as they relate to Racing:

MDR Course Chart 17

UCLA Marina Aquatic Center:

ASMBYC Race Calendar at

Women on the Water/Women on the Helm Regatta

This regatta is held annually in Santa Monica Bay in August and sponsored by the ASMBYC. This is a two-day regatta with two divisions: The Women on the Water division is comprised of an all-female crew, and the Women at the Helm division is a coed crew with a female skipper. 

More info on WOW/WAH    

2024 Linda Elias Memorial Women's One Design

WSA Team

Skipper- Captain Karyn Jones

Linda Elias Memorial Women's One Design Regatta (LEMWOD)

This regatta is held annually in Long Beach in October and jointly sponsored by the Long Beach Y.C. and the Long Beach WSA. The event is held in LBYC’s fleet of matched Catalina 37s, with each crew comprised of 10-11 women. Teams come from as far away as Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, to compete. WSA SMB typically sponsors one or two teams competing in this regatta.

More info on LEMWOD

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Clinics and Select Races

Contact Us

P.O. Box 10034
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292