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HomeBecome a Member

Membership has its benefits!

There's no better way to make an impact in our community than to join WSA SMB and support women's sailing! Join now and grow with us.  As a member of WSA SMB, you are supporting and becoming an integral part of a grassroots organization. With member support, our club is able to continue developing a strong, sustainable sailing program, serving as a community hub and educational and activity center. Membership gives you:

  • Opportunities to participate in a number of day sails offered throughout the year. Day sail notices are sent by email a few days before the event. 
  • Opportunities to participate in one or more of the overnight cruises listed on the yearly cruise schedule. Members should participate in at least one day sail prior to going on a cruise.
  • Monthly general membership meetings which typically feature a guest speaker and other educational or informational material. Dinner is offered at the meetings for a nominal fee. 
  • An introduction into the sailing and racing community.
  • Knowledge and opportunities for skill improvement by participation in clinics and hands-on experience on day sails and cruises.
  • Reciprocal privileges at participating yacht clubs and organizations.
  • Participation in races requiring a yacht club or other sailing organization membership.
  • New friends who share a love of sailing.
General Membership Information

Membership is open to persons aged 18 and over. Yearly membership dues are $135 per person and a special $10 discount available for first-time members. The membership period is during one calendar year and is valid January 1 (or the date a member joins or renews) thru December 31 regardless of the date a member joins.

Members are required to complete an application, sign a liability waiver and pay dues in full prior to participating in any on-the-water activities.  Only members in good standing may attend meetings and bring one guest. Former members who have not renewed may not attend meetings without paying for the current membership year at the renewal rate.

Skipper benefits

Boat owners who become official WSASMB Skippers after being checked out by the Fleet Captain or other WSASMB officials are entitled to the following additional member benefits. In order to qualify for these additional benefits, skippers must offer their boat for at lease one day sail or cruise within the calendar year.

Skippers receive:

  • Free membership for a spouse or domestic partner (they must also complete application and waiver)
  • An official WSA-SMB burgee to display while sailing
  • An official embroidered WSA-SMB Skipper windbreaker vest

Contact Us

P.O. Box 10034
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292