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Linda Elias Memorial Women’s One Design Regatta

Sponsored by the Long Beach Yacht Club and the Long Beach WSA, the Linda Elias Memorial Women’s One Design Challenge is the premier all-women yacht race on the Pacific Coast. Ten women’s racing teams from San Francisco to Mexico, compete on identical Catalina 37’s in a one design week-end regatta. WSA-SMB has annually sponsored one or two entries to promote women’s sailing and create opportunities for both existing members and potential members.

WSA-SMB plans to budget funding for up to 50% of the cost for up to two entries, including boat charter and entry fee. The skipper and/or crew will need to fund the remaining balance of the boat charter and entry fees, the damage deposit and any incidentals. Final decision on funding will be at the sole discretion of the board.

Interested skippers must submit a written request, along with their skipper’s racing resume, to the WSA-SMB board. No requests will be considered after August 15. Only applications from current WSA-SMB members will be considered. Requests for funding can be emailed (please include: or mailed (The Women’s Sailing Association of Santa Monica Bay, PO Box 10034, Marina del Rey CA, 90295).

The WSA board will evaluate requests based on the following factors:

  • The skipper’s overall sailing experience.
  • The skipper’s racing history in terms of number of races entered and overall record.
  • The skipper’s ability to recruit and train crew.

Requests for funding will be reviewed at each month’s board meeting, beginning with the April meeting. Skippers will be notified within two weeks of approval. Requests that are not accepted at a board meeting will be held over to be reviewed in upcoming board meetings, along with any newly received requests.

Final authorization for funding from the WSA-SMB is contingent upon approval of the skipper(s) by the Long Beach Yacht Club Sailing Foundation, the organization administering control of the boats used in this regatta.

The skipper is entirely in charge of who will be on their crew, with the sole proviso that all crew members be paid members of WSA-SMB at the time of the regatta. Skippers who have been accepted for funding will be announced to the general membership by email and in the following month’s newsletter, and at the following month’s general meeting. WSA-SMB members who are interested in crewing for the WSA-SMB funded skippers, should email the Race Chair ( to express their interest and be put in touch with the skipper.

Further information about the regatta can be obtained from and

Contact Us

P.O. Box 10034
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292